Saturday, January 9, 2010

Shitty Test Results

I had my CT and got the results this week. The results were not good. The cancer grew A LOT on my liver and sternum so I’ve left the clinical trail at Moffitt in Tampa. Dr. Minton in Tampa and Dr. Shah in Orlando have been working together and I start a new chemo called Gemzar on Wednesday. It will be an infusion every week but it is well tolerated with almost no side effects.

I need this to be a n ass kicking drug of the highest order. We need to push the cancer back. This last growth spurt was 50% bigger so that is not good. The mass on my liver grew from 9cmm to 14cm. Yes, it's still centimeters. Dammit!!!

I can’t seem to get my head on straight for the fight because I’ve been experiencing excrutiating pain through my hip and rear end. A couple weeks ago the general practitioner called it hip bursitis and it's gotten progressively worse. Yesterday Dr. Shah sent me for an xray to make sure it's not cancer (negative-bones are clear) and she gave me oxycodone (wowzah) because I haven’t been able to walk from the pain. I’ll take 3-4 steps and need to sit down. I’m trying to work on it with heat and epsom salts and hopefully the pain will start going away soon. Richard and Christy pushed me around both hospitals in a wheelchair like an old lady. Wheeee. I would really like that pain to go away please.

I don't usually have a pity party or ask people to feel sorry for me. But that is what it feels like in regards to this hip pain. The oxycodone puts me to sleep. Yesterday and last night I slept for 18 hours off and on and I hate it. I have stuff to do!

I guess it doesn't help that it's so cold outside. Would I be having this pain in the summer? Who knows? I've been blessed up until now to have had very little pain. Please, please, pain-go away and leave me alone!

I am also trying moist heat application, energy medicine, massage, and acupuncture to work the muscles back to normal. All of the tools in my toolbox. If I were a video game character, I'd be throwing fireballs, flamethrowers and Yugos at the enemy. Ok, obviously I'm not a video game expert, but Yugos must pack a punch, wouldn't you think?

The good news about this whole thing is that I had a nice break from chemo and we won't have to make that drive to Tampa anytime soon. Visiting Dr. Shah yesterday was like coming home and the nurses and staff were so happy to have me back. I feel very well taken care of.

Love to you all and please keep praying! I need it!



  1. Laura,

    Sorry the trial wasn't what you had hoped for. Glad you're off the trial. You'll push it back!
    Love and blessings to you!


  2. I love reading your post..but everytime I do. I cry....I can't stand that someone I luv is going through this....But I will keep reading as long as your posting. Love to you


  3. I'm always thinking of you and praying for things to get into check. You are amazing. Although you see this pain holding you back....I am in awe of you and all you do while going through so much. Me? I would probably curl up and sulk. I aspire to be more like you when I grow up. Keep fighting. It's your turn to win a round! Gourmet cupcakes, you say??? I just discovered an awesome gourmet bakery in Mt. Dora. yummmmm

    Love you girlie!

  4. Keep the fight going, Laura! You will win this. Love & prayers are with you!


  5. So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you and help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. ~ Isaiah 40:10

    From Aunt Mary

  6. I am thinking of you, Laura, and praying for you! You are an amazing person...I pity the fool (cancer) who messes with you! We all love you and are inspired by you every day...


  7. We are still praying for you! Keep up the fight and kick some butt this round!

    Beth, Bob, Will, CJ, Cassie & Becca
