Monday, May 31, 2010

Finally Some Good News!

My brain mri results were excellent! Brain looks good.

The new spot they were watching to see if it was another tumor got SMALLER! Just let that one sink in for a moment. Overall, multiple spots they were watching got SMALLER as well. After months and months of shitty news, this is nothing short of miraculous.

I probably would have tongue kissed the radiation oncologist if he wasn't such a cocky guy. Well, and Richard wasn't such a much better choice to kiss. Dr. Ramakrishna came in and said, the brain looks good. I asked him about the new spot he said it got smaller. He said we don't have to do anything with your brain right now. Then he went on to talk about my spine, breezing over all that wonderful brain news. But didn't he know I wanted to lunge at him off the chair with the paper runner and shake him while screaming and crying----yeah! Fuck yeah! Get those fuckers! Yeah! Nothing more with your brain right now!

But I didn't. I sat there and smiled and felt the weight slide off of my neck, back and head. When I got into my car alone (Richard and I drove separately to the appointment) I was screaming and laughing at the top of my lungs. God bless all the other drivers on the road that acted like they weren't driving next to a crazy person. Ahahaahaaaaaaa! Mother fucking cancer-take that!

Back to the doctor's office--then we talked about my spine. Lumbar 4 needs radiation as it is covered in tumors. Dr. Ramakrishna ordered another mri of the spine to compare it to the last one and said we'd proceed with either one sterotactic treatment or 10 standard treatments. I'll skip all the bureaucratic bullshit and telling all my tales over the last few days of the left hand not talking to the right hand-quite frankly, I'm getting tired of talking about navigating through all the ridiculousity that goes on at a hospital.

Cutting to the chase... I am slated to have 5 standard radiation treatments on lumbar 4-yes, that's different from what the dr. originally said, but remember, I'm skipping all that bullshit. The treatment will be 5 days in a row for about 15-20 minutes a day. Then I'll be done. I'm told the only side effects will be fatigue and maybe some diarrhea. Ah, more poop problems... a topic for another time.

The radiation on my spine should be a piece of cake compared with what I've been through with the brain. I should be getting a call within the next 7 days letting me know when to come in and meet my radiation technician. Then I'll know the exact schedule.

I've been having some pain in that area. It's sporadic, but it's getting worse. Whenever I lie down a certain way and get up it hurts. After the radiation, that should all go away. This will also be great for our family road trip at the end of July-all that sitting and driving. Wheeee!

After the radiation, my next CT, bone & heart scans will be the first week of August. Ah, for now, it's just nice to get a bit of a break and get back to the routine called life.

I'm very hopeful that this current combo of chemo is kicking some serious ass. For now, I'm feeling good, living life and laughing a lot. Thank you all for you love, support and prayers.


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